• 男鹿の鯛
  • 男鹿の鯛
  • 男鹿の鯛

Oga Sea Bream

Oga’s sea breams are primarily caught using a large, traditional fixed net called a “Daibō-ami”. Daibō-ami is known as a dynamic and brave fishing method, as it catches a great number of fish at once. Oga’s Annual Sea Bream Festival, held from May to June, has been popular with tourists and visitors every year since its start in 1977, where people can experience Oga’s famous sea bream on both day trips and overnight trips. The manufacturing of processed foods using Oga’s sea bream such as taimeshi (sea bream rice) and karasumi (dried mullet roe) have recently been picking up pace.

Last Update: 2019-10-11
